In my experience the best art comes from inspiration and not from an overly planned or over delineated approach.
Where does inspiration come from?
Close to Dusk
- You'll get different answers depending on who you ask and what you mean by inspiration but I feel that inspiration comes from the universe. By that I mean the Void, God, Infinite Intelligence whatever your favorite term may be.
- I like the term universe because it's synonymous with " all that is" meaning everything."Close to Dusk" (8x10) by M Francis McCarthy
So how can I work from a place of inspiration as a human being and an artist?
It can not be accomplished be addition, by adding onto what you are. Though in seeming contradiction to that fact one must be educated and trained in craft for the most part to produce inspired work on a regular basis.
Assuming I have put in that time how can I access that font of inspiration when needed and create superior paintings all the time?
Inspiration can be accessed by removing that which blocks the flow from within.
- Inspiration is blocked by assumptions of what makes our work good.
- Inspiration avoids over reliance formulas and techniques.
- Inspiration is your birthright but you must claim it. It will not be given without preparation or a proper outlook.
- Inspiration is self contained.
- Inspiration is rode like a wave.
- Inspiration must be worn as lightly as silk.
- Inspiration cannot be planned for but must be readily accommodated if it is to feel welcome.
- Inspiration shows up for the working artist not for lazy dreamers.
More on inspiration later...
A bit about "Close to Dusk". I'm pretty happy with this painting. It is painted over an earlier work that was based on a photo of a road winding about a hill. I re imagined the scene first as a 5x7 oil sketch that was inspired by a tiny image of an old painting I had in my morgue.
It is a pretty dark painting but taking a cue from the many landscape paintings I saw by old masters on a recent trip to the Louvre, I embraced the dark and contrasted it sharply with a bit of bright cloud. Many that have visited my studio have commented on the darkness of of some of my paintings and fore a while I struggled. Now I embrace the darkness and revel in the light also.
"Close to Dusk" is a good example of this evolution in my painting.