Welcome to the Tonalist minute series by M Francis McCarthy.
'Into Twilight' by M Francis McCarthy, 3x3 Oil Painting on Wood
'Into Twilight' 3x3 completed recently is a scene I also painted once before as an 8x8 back in 2013. I' really happy with the way the 3x3 mini version turned out, especially the sky. Into Twilight is the first 3x3 I did a second color pass on. It just needed it. For the most part, I'm trying to keep these little paintings to one color pass but as always quality must win out. If I see something that needs doing, I do it.
I hope you enjoy these videos/posts and please share your thoughts about this series with me. As always I highly value your time, attention and input. Also, I now have a store on my website that has some really nice paintings for sale, please check it out!