Day 5: Approaching Storm 8x12
A rather odd composition by George that I painted once before in the 100 days of Tonalism project. I really like that sky. By the way, this is very difficult image to find online but I have identified Inness’ orignal painting size throu Mutual Art as 12 1/4 x 15 7/8 in.
This is the same image that I’d used back in 2014. I’ve up sampled the low resolution original using Gigapixel. Note; the reference images are almost always more ‘yellowish’ and ‘darker’ than my paintings. This is a calculation on my part as I’m striving for the same sort of freshness that Inness would have have in his studio. Oil paintings will tend to darken when stored in dark environs and varnish layers also tend to go ‘yellow’.
Approaching Storm by George Inness
Here below is a slightly better image of Georges’ painting. It was still pretty low rez but more detail. I have up sampled and color adjusted.
Approaching Storm by George Inness
Just for fun, here’s my 2015 take on the same painting at a smaller size!
M Francis McCarthy