Day 1 A Glowing Sunset 8x12
Hello and welcome to the Mastering George Inness Series and Blog! I’m so pleased that you are here and I promise to work hard towards unpacking some of George’s secrets as we create roughly 130 studies after paintings from throughout his career.
Todays entry ‘A Glowing Sunset’ is a difficult painting to find an image of online. My best guess is that i'’s an 1880’s period piece. As always I totally enjoyed working after the Master. This study was done on hardboard with a smooth surface. Colors used were lot’s of Burnt Umber, Black, Cad Orange, Cad Yellow, Yellow Ochre and raw Sienna, Also used but in minor roles are Phthalo Green, Alizarin Crimson and Permanent green Lt. It is for sale here.
Always daunting putting my study up with the Masters version but worth it to make the image from Inness widely available to those of you that want to make your own study.. One of the primary differences is that mine is lighter over all. I could get an even closer result with a glaze but I also feel that the image of Inness’ painti may be in need of a good cleaning and is likely gone darker than he originally painted it
George Inness A Glowing Sunset 8x12
Here below is a slightly better/different reference image.
George Inness A Glowing Sunset 8x12
So, that’s day one of our exciting journey. feel free to contact me if you have any comments, questions or requests. The struggle is real!
M Francis McCarthy