Morning Passage 5x7 Tonalist Landscape Oil Painting
Hello and welcome to Tonalist landscape painting with your painter in residence M Francis McCarthy.
Morning Passage by M Francis McCarthy - 5x7 Oil on Wood Panel
This little painting has an interesting history. It was originally painted as a study for a larger painting back in 2013. I then revised the study in 2016 and the version that you see now was revisted again last year.
Originally based on a photo I took while on vacation in Hawaii, the scene itself was fairly pedestrian until I gave it a more complete treatment in the two repainting sessions. If you go to my blog you will see the video that outlines my "extreme glazing" process which I used to create the overall violet and coral tones.
This painting is currently for sale on my website. Perhaps you have a spot in your home for this gem-like painting that could bring you years of enjoyment while also giving you the awesome feeling of supporting your favorite Tonalist artist.
Morning Passage by M Francis McCarthy - 5x7 (Detail)
Morning Passage by M Francis McCarthy - 5x7 (Detail 2)
Cheers, M Francis McCarthy