What the hell do I know about marketing?
Not enough, I'm sure of that...
Edge of the Woods (5x7) by M Francis McCarthy
When I was a full time hired gun illustrator, the guy I was working for had to worry about marketing. All I had to worry about was creating saleable artwork that would do well in the marketplace.
Thats all changed now that I'm a full time landscape painter. Now I must do it for myself and I cannot say that I really enjoy it. But I am trying to learn. It's because I believe in my work that I feel I must get my art out there. This website of course is a big part of that process.
I'm not the only artist who struggles with this aspect of their careers. Heck, it was hard for us even before the economy contracted. Now it's harder but ultimately I feel it's doable.
This year I plan to get several more galleries on board. I'm super excited by the work I'm creating and I'm confident that it will do well when presented to it's proper market.
It's on me to get that job done, no one else seems to be stepping up.
I've studied quite a few books. Here's a few good resources that I've found in the case that you're also an artist like me, working to get their paintings seen and purchased:
Theres a few to get you started. I've purchased and read quite a few more than this but to be honest these are the clearest and most honest I've come across.
There seems to be an industry growing up around artist's need for this type of info. Unfortunately not everybody writing a book is giving out great advice. These guys I've listed are all on point.
A bit about "Edge of the Woods" I think this is the first 5x7 I've featured solo in a blog post. I really love painting these small works and often times I'm more fond of the smaller oil sketch I've made of a motif.
In the case of "Edge of the Woods" there there exits a larger version waiting to be repainted. I've made those changes here in the 5x7. The larger version may never get redone . Thats ok though as every painting I do large or small is designed to stand on it's own as a work of art.
I'm pretty fond of this little painting especially the sky in it so I thought I'd share it with you all today.