#24 Sunset Glow by George Inness - 25 Days of Tonalism Vol 2

Hello, and welcome to Tonalist painting with M Francis McCarthy.

Painted after - 'Sunset Glow ' by George Inness Study by M Francis McCarthy - Size 5x7, Oil on wood panel
Today's painting is a study painted after 'Moonlit Landscape' by Charles Warren Eaton. Note: This post is day twenty-three of 25 Days of Tonalism Vol 2.

Our video features the progression of this painting from its early underpainting stages on up through the final finishing brushwork. Also, watch the video for extended insight and commentary. BTW I now have a store on my site. Check it out and buy an original painting today!

M Francis McCarthy

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A bit about my study painted study painted after 'Sunset Glow' by George Inness; one of the all-time great Tonalists. I love doing studies after George and I always get a lot illumination from the exercise.

Original painting 'Sunset Glow ' by George Inness
Painted after - 'Sunset Glow ' by George Inness (Detail)
Painted after - 'Sunset Glow ' by George Inness (Detail 2)

Morning Haze 6x8


Tonalist Minute Series #24 Summer Dusk 3½x3½