Tonalist Minute Series #14 Roman Bridge 5x7

Welcome to the Tonalist minute series by M Francis McCarthy.

'Roman Bridge' by M Francis McCarthy, 5x7 Oil Painting on Wood

This painting features a Roman bridge over a river in a lush country setting. Greens, mauves, greys and golden rust tones predominate this cloudy scene. This painting was based on an interesting place I saw on holiday last year in Devon. I usually eschew manmade objects in my paintings but this bridge just looked so natural in this setting that I made an exception.

I hope you enjoy these videos/posts. As always I highly value your time, attention and input. I now have a store on my website that has some really nice paintings for sale, please check it out and help support my work. All paintings shipped internationally with your satisfaction guaranteed.

M Francis McCarthy
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'Roman Bridge' by M Francis McCarthy, 5x7 (Detail)
'Roman Bridge' by M Francis McCarthy, 5x7 (Detail 2)


#22 Sunset at Montclair by George Inness - 25 Days of Tonalism Vol 2


Tonalist Minute Series #13 Golden Meadow 3½x5