Path by the Pond

Another one I painted in late April/Early May. I really liked this scene and the painting came out well. I've noticed that I get pretty attached to the paintings. This becomes real evident when I'm showing a piece to somebody and it's clear I'm not going to be giving them the painting...


I should be more giving I know but like I said I'm attached. Funny enough the universe got me on this one. I took this piece down to my sisters to show her. She of course proceeded to look for spots on her walls she could hang it. I said no way sis I'm too attached then I lean it against a wall and continue chatting with her.

Well, what happened then sucked because I moved quickly or something and the painting in it's it's frame went crashing to the floor. The frame was new and I was actually concerned about it and not the painting. So I inspected the frame and saw no damage and was relived. However I eventually noticed that THE PAINTING had got cracked right in the middle! So that's what I get for being selfish I guess...The crack is not that noticeable fortuately and I've since given the painting to my Brother in law Bouke


Perk Pond


Campbell Perk Pond